Key feature

Start Testing Faster

In a PTaaS model, one of the key features is its ability to deliver rapid responses and accelerated testing cycles. Traditional penetration tests can be time-consuming, but with PTaaS, security assessments are conducted swiftly, allowing you to identify vulnerabilities in real-time.

On-Demand Reporting for Timely Action

PTaaS brings a transformative approach to reporting by offering more flexible reporting options. Unlike traditional assessments where you might have to wait until the end of the assessment to receive a comprehensive report, PTaaS provides on-demand reporting. This means that as soon as a vulnerability is detected and validated, you can access detailed reports immediately.

Continuous Security Strengthening

PTaaS contributes to building a stronger security posture by emphasizing continuous improvement. Through its rapid testing and timely reporting, PTaaS enables organizations to maintain a proactive stance against evolving threats. Vulnerabilities are identified swiftly, allowing for quick remediation and reducing the window of exposure.

Why Pentest as a Service?

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Without a PtaaS Platform
Slower 50%
With a PtaaS Platform
Faster 80%

Map out your attack surface, define what you want tested, and document your objectives so the testers can focus on what’s important.

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Test & Remediate

Without a PtaaS Platform

Results are available as a static PDF report once the test is complete

With a PtaaS Platform

Pentesters share findings in the PtaaS platform as soon as they're discovered.


Teams can follow along their progress with coverage checklists

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What About Costs?

Without a PtaaS Platform


With a PtaaS Platform


Typical cost of a 100-hour pentest project



The first step in the Pentest as a Service process is the discovery phase where all parties involved prepare for the engagement. On the customer side, this involves mapping the attack surface areas and creating accounts on the NightWolf PTaaSPTaaS platform. We will assigns a pentester with skills that match your technology stack. A communicate channel is also created to simplify real-time communication between you and the Pentest Team.


The second step is to strategically plan, scope, and schedule your pentest. This typically involves a 30-minute phone call with the teams. The main purpose of the call is to offer a personal introduction, align on the timeline, and finalize the testing scope.


The third step is where the pentesting will take place. Steps 1 and 2 are necessary to establish a clear scope, identify the target environment, and set up credentials for the test. Now is the time for the experts to analyze the target for vulnerabilities and security flaws that might be exploited if not properly mitigated.

As the Pentest Team conducts testing, pentester ensures depth of coverage and communicates with your security team as needed via the platform. This is also where the true creative power of the NightWolf PTaaS comes into play.


Accelerate your remediation with the fourth phase in the lifecycle. This phase is an interactive and on-going process, where individual findings are posted in the platform as they are discovered. Integrations send them directly to developers’ issue trackers, and teams can start patching immediately. At the end of your test, the Igider Core Lead reviews all the findings and produces a final summary report.

The report is not static; it's a living document that is updated as changes are made (see Re-Testing in Phase 5).


When you mark a finding as “Fixing Verification” on the platform, the pentester verifies the fix and updates the final report. Reports are available in different formats suited to various stakeholders, such as executive teams, auditors, and customers.


Once the testing is complete, you have the opportunity to analyze your pentest results more thoroughly to inform and prioritize remediation actions.

At this phase, you benefit from a deep dive into the pentest report with insights comparing your risk profile against others globally, identifying common vulnerabilities to inform development teams, and driving your security program's maturity.

Furthermore, executive teams will be delighted by the ease of use to track and communicate pentest program performance.